The Creeper Gallery
I just recently relocated to New Jersey due to Mr Halloween's new job and we couldn't wait to explore everything around us. We took a trip to Lambertville, NJ and New Hope, PA last October. The towns are just separated by the Delaware River. They are both amazing historical downtown's to visit and the old Victorian homes were just a bonus for me.
One place that we really enjoyed was in New Hope and it was called The Creeper Gallery. Since we visited around Halloween time it made the trip just a little bit more fun. Here is a description of the shop from their web page:
D.L. Marian and Danielle Deveroux have partnered to create a completely unique
gallery experience in historic New Hope, Pennsylvania.
The Creeper Gallery houses Gothic fine art, curated various antiques and peculiars
by both owner-artists.
Our art-design aesthetic revolves around the Victorian era and anything dark,
strange or unusual.
Macabre life-size historical figures, mixed media assemblage, rogue taxidermy,
religiosity, medical, memento mori and more.
We got to talk to D.L. Marian who was working that day and Mr Halloween probably talked her to death! While they talked I walked around the gallery taking pictures and taking everything in. There was even a little basket of toys for the ghost Madeline, an 8 year girl that perished there in a fire in the 1700s. I think it was one of my favorite stops we made on the trip.
My phone was in the process of dying and needing to be replaced so not some of pics didn't turn out the greatest. Please enjoy the gallery below to check out The Creeper Gallery.